Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Volcanoes Of Auckland Pt 1.5! ( Mondays Slides from last week aka News Report )


Kia Ora Guys this is my Volcanoes of Auckland Slides about my news report and I also have some planning in the first slide.
This task was very fun to do because we had to write it and I love writing.
Have you done a task like this before?


  1. Hi Justus, thanks for sharing your awesome news article about Rangitoto erupting, I can imagine the NZ Herald would report the news exactly like this. I have always enjoyed writing pretend front page of newspapers, I think I actually wanted to be a journalist when I was young.

  2. Malo e lelei Justus
    I love your NZ papper its great
    Blog ya later,

    1. Kia Ora Danica,
      Thank you for the feedback and commenting on my blog!
      Have you done this before?
      Nga Mihi

  3. Kia ora Justus!
    My name is Mariam in room 8,
    This is an amazing article!
    I can see you have done some creativity with It.
    It's nice!
    What would you like to be when you grow up??
    You would make a perfect journalist not saying you have to be it but you also have other choices ahead of you!
    Maybe you could make the title a bit stronger? and try to also hook the audience?
    Other than that this is a workpiece!
    Tino Pai! (great job!)
    I hope you and your family are staying safe!
    Blog you later!

  4. Mālō e lelei Justus, I am so pleased you enjoy writing this article. You certainly have the audience in mind when writing as it is interesting.

  5. Mālō e lelei Justus, It is a funny thought to imagine one of the old, still maunga of Auckland becoming a hissing, smoking, dangerous volcano! I liked the way you used volcanic terminology in your article like active volcano. Next time you could also add more information from your planning document, like the last time Rangitoto erupted or how and why the hot spot below Auckland caused the latest eruption. I'm looking forward to your next post! Blog you later, Megan : )

    1. Kia Ora Ms Judd,
      I think I actually can add some more detail to my article and some more planning info.
      Thank you for the feedback :)
